
Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

10 Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

Is your dog getting restless indoors? It’s time to take them outside for some fun! Playing games is the perfect way to have fun and get some exercise too. There are plenty of games that you can play with your pup outside.

Here are a few of our favorites Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside.

Fun games to play with dogs outside

Relay Races

Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

This is a fun game for dogs of all ages and sizes. You will need two people to help you with this game. Set up cones or other markers to create a course. One person will start at the beginning of the course with their dog. The other person will be at the end of the course holding the dog’s favorite toy or treat. When the first person says “go”, they will send their dog through the course. Once the dog crosses the finish line, they will get their toy or treat from the second person. The first team to finish wins!

Tug of War

Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

This classic game is a great way to have fun and bond with your pup. All you need is a rope or tug toy. Have your dog grab one end of the rope in their teeth. You should grab the other end. Start pulling on the rope and encourage your dog to do the same. The goal is to see who can tug the hardest!

Hide and Seek

Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

This fun game will keep your pup’s brain busy. Have one person hide while the other person stays with the dog. Once the hider is ready, they will call the dog. The dog should then find the hider. You can make this game more difficult by having the hider hide in different places each time.


Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

Fetch is a classic game that all dogs love. All you need is a ball or Frisbee. Throw the ball or Frisbee and have your dog chase after it. Once they catch it, they should bring it back to you. Then you can throw it again! This game is great for getting your pup some exercise.

Round Robin

Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

This game is perfect for a big group of dogs. All you need is a bunch of toy or treats. Have all of the dogs sit in a circle. The first person will start by giving their dog a toy or treat. They should then pass the toy or treat to the dog next to them. That dog should do the same. This game should continue until all of the dogs have had a turn. The dogs will love getting attention and treats from everyone!

Go for a swim

Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

If you have a pool or access to a body of water, swimming is a great way to have fun and beat the heat. Dogs love to swim and it’s a great workout for them. Just make sure that you supervise your pup at all times.


Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

Going for a hike is a great way to explore the great outdoors with your pup. Dogs love to sniff around and take in all the sights and smells. Hiking is also a great workout for both you and your dog.

Digging Box

Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

This fun game will keep your pup entertained for hours. All you need is a sandbox or a small kiddie pool filled with sand. Show your dog where the digging box is and let them go to town! They will love digging and playing in the sand.

Treasure Hunt

Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

This game is perfect for a hot day. Fill a kiddie pool or sandbox with water and add some toys or treats. bury the toys or treats in the sand. Let your dog find them! They will have a blast digging in the sand to find their treasure.

DIY Agility Course

Fun Games To Play With Dogs Outside

You can make your own agility course in your backyard! This is a great way to have fun and get some exercise. Set up cones or other markers to create a course. Add jumps, tunnels, and other obstacles. Then let your dog loose! They will have a blast running through the course.

These are just a few fun games that you can play with your dog outside. There are endless possibilities for fun! So get out there and enjoy some quality time with your pup.

So, next time you’re looking for something fun to do with your dog, try one of these games! You’ll both have a blast!

Benefits of Playing with your Dog Outside

There are many benefits to playing with your dog outside.

  • Dogs love the fresh air and the chance to explore their surroundings.
  • Playing with your dog is a great way to bond with them and burn off excess energy.
  • It can also help to socialize them, especially if you take them to new places to play.
  • And of course, it’s just plain fun!

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