
why do dogs drag their butt

Why Do Dogs Drag Their Butts? 7 Most Common Reasons

Why do dogs drag their butts? If you’re a dog lover, you’ve probably noticed your pup dragging their butt across the ground. You may be wondering why they do this and what it means.

Wonder no more! In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the reasons dogs drag their butts and what to do if your dog is exhibiting this behavior. Stay tuned!

Why Do Dogs Drag Their Butts?

why do dogs drag their butts

Here are some common reasons Why Do Dogs Drag Their Butts?

1. Parasites

If your pup’s dragging their butt on the ground or floor, they might be trying to get rid of parasites.

When dogs drag their butts on the ground, it is called anal sacculitis. This is a condition in which glands located near a dog’s anus become infected and swell up.

These glands are often called “anal sacs”, but they’re actually larger than a sac. These glands produce a foul-smelling fluid.

Dogs with anal sacculitis usually find a secluded corner of the yard to sit in and then start dragging their butt on the ground. If your pup is exhibiting this behavior, it means that they’ve got an infection going on in their pelvis area. Your pup may also seem to limp or not be able to sit still without squirming.

2. Worms

If your dog suddenly starts dragging their butt, it might be a sign that they’re trying to get rid of wormy parasites!

Anal sacs aren’t the only glands in the pelvis area. There are also other glands called anal glands, which produce a foul-smelling fluid and can get infected and swollen if your pup eats something they shouldn’t or has a parasite infestation.

All in all, when it comes to parasites and worms, there’s usually an underlying condition that causes them to affect your dog, so it’s important to take your pup in for an exam if they start dragging their butt on the ground.

So when do all these parasites and worms usually show up? It is fairly common in puppies, but also occurs in older dogs that are unvaccinated or ones that eat garbage or rotten food.

3. Surgery

If your dog has just had a scheduled or emergency neuter surgery, they might drag their butt. This is because it’s normal for them to experience some swelling and discomfort in the groin area after this type of surgery.

Swelling and inflammation can make it uncomfortable for your pup to sit; since they can’t lie down, they’ll start dragging their butt to relieve the discomfort.

4. Arthritis

If your dog has arthritis or some other painful condition, they might start dragging their butt on the ground too. This is especially likely if your pup’s had this condition for a while and it’s progressed to the point of causing discomfort.

When your dog’s in pain and they can’t reach a comfortable position, they might start dragging because it temporarily relieves the discomfort.

5. Skin allergies

If your dog has skin allergies, they might start dragging their butts in an effort to relieve the itchiness and irritation on their skin. Itchy skin can make dogs uncomfortable and restless, so they’ll try to relieve the sensation by licking or scratching at the affected area.

If they can’t reach the spot, they may start scratching or licking other areas that are easier to access and then just move on to their butts.

There are numerous reactions that occur with your dog’s skin. Some of the most known are lumps on the skin, acne, dandruff and others. Apart from these, there are allergies that can be dangerous to your pet’s health if not treated for a long time.

Symptoms of skin allergies in Dogs: These may vary depending on the type of allergies your dog may be suffering from. Some symptoms that you can look out for though are:

  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Hair loss

6. Contact with a toxin

If your pup has gotten into something poisonous, they might try to get rid of it by dragging their butt. Similarly, if your dog has gotten into something stinky like a skunk, they might drag their butt because it’s the only way to get rid of that nasty smell!

The symptoms of poisoning in dogs can vary depending on the poison, but some common ones include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite or weight gain. These symptoms may not appear right away – it might take several hours before they become noticeable so keep an eye out for any changes in behavior such as lethargy or restlessness.

If you suspect your dog has ingested something poisonous but aren’t sure what it is exactly then you can call the Animal Poison Control Center for help. The center has a team of experts who can identify the poison and give you advice on how to treat your dog. They’re open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year so you can always get help if you need it.

7. Anxiety or fear

And lastly, if your pup’s dragging their butt on the ground and avoiding other dogs or people, they might be showing signs of anxiety or fear.

This is especially true if they’re barking or whining while doing it, but not if they’re acting very submissively or just squirming around with their butt on the ground.

A fearful response may also be more likely to occur in puppies than adult dogs, since they’re still learning how to respond safely as they grow up.

What you can do to stop it:

If your dog is dragging their butt on the ground because of anxiety or fear, the best thing you can do for them is to be patient and supportive! Pushing them towards other people or dogs will only escalate their fears and could lead to a bite if your pup’s cornered.

You’ll just have to wait it out and make sure your pup’s getting enough mental and physical exercise to keep them feeling comfortable and confident.

Why Your Dog Scoots and What You Can Do to Stop It

why do dogs drag their butts

Dog scooting is not an uncommon problem in the world of pet owners. It can be embarrassing for you and frustrating for your dog, but there are ways to stop it. Dogs that are scooting often have anal sac impaction or coccyx pain.

If you find that your dog is scooting around your house, there are a few treatment options for this behavior. Your veterinarian will be able to determine the cause of the scooting and recommend a course of action. If it’s an anal sac impaction, then your vet may prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications to treat the infection and allow your pet relief.

Coccyx pain can also be treated with surgery–depending on the severity of the injury. Scooting is not uncommon among dogs and can be fixed with medication or surgery.


After reading this blog post, we hope you have a better understanding of why your dog drags their butt. We’ve covered the most common reasons and some more serious medical causes for dogs to drag their butts on the ground.

If your pup is exhibiting any of these behaviors or if they are displaying other symptoms that concern you, please bring them in for an exam with one of our veterinarians ASAP!

The sooner we can diagnose and treat underlying conditions like arthritis and allergies, the less likely it will be that pain leads to further bad habits such as dragging their butt across the carpeting.

And remember – no matter what type of condition your pet might be facing, there’s always room for improvement at home too –

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