When do male cats start spraying? Cats are tidy pets when it comes to their sleeping or bathroom places.
Both female and male cats spray, but mostly male cats are more likely to participate in this behavior. Once you get a male cat, prepare for his spraying behavior because they do that often. You can also use different techniques to prevent spraying or train them to correct their behavior.
When your male cat has its backside raised, tail quivered, and marking against a wall, and it means he is spraying, which can easily be mistaken as urinating.
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When Do Male Cats Start Spraying
Male cats often start spraying around the age of 6 months. The spraying of male cats starts when they reach sexual maturity. Besides that, there are several reasons why cats spray.
They also spray to reduce stress to feel comfortable. Another reason male cats start spraying is when they need to mark their territory. It would help if you noticed when your male cat first starts spraying. Spraying indicates that your cat is now an adult.
If your cat is sprayed somewhere, always clean the area with the enzymatic odor remover; this will stop them from returning to the same spot.
Is Your Male Cat is Urinating or Spraying?
If you have a male cat, you need to differentiate between urinating and spraying. When the cat is spraying, they stand with their tail erect and their rear end elevated. They can also twitch the tail and pull a strange face while spraying urine.
Some problems can cause inappropriate urination and urine spraying. If your cat leaves a large volume of urine in many places, it may be a sign of serious illness such as diabetes or kidney disease.
You have to be careful when distinguishing between urination and spraying, which male cats do when between 5 and 8 months of age.
What Can You Do About Spraying Your Cat?
When your kitten reaches a certain age, start looking for the signs of spraying. Both male and female spraying starts when they are 6 to 7 months old for most cats. Usually, male cats start spraying before female cats.
Male cats start spraying when they are 4- to 5-month-old, but you have to keep an eye on your female cats too. If you don’t know your cat’s spraying behavior, go to the vet and learn about the whole spraying behavior.
Here are some techniques that you can use to either stop your male cat from spraying or learn their behavior.
1. Train your Cat Before They Start Spraying
First, consider that even neutered male cats can also spray. Teach your kitten some good habits as they grow up and teach them to stop spraying. Create a positive and peaceful environment for them to feel comfortable and happy with you.
During their natural development stage, they need a caring environment from kitten to adult male or female cat. In that positive environment, your cat will continue to urinate normally, and there will be less chance that they develop the habit of spraying.
2. Remove Stress
When do male cats start spraying? They start this behavior at the age of 5 months, and if your cat already develops a spraying habit, it is a sign that he is feeling uncomfortable or stressed in your home.
When cats find it difficult to adapt to change, they start spraying early than their age. So you can help your cat by identifying the causes for stress. This cause could be as simple as a new animal or pet in your home. They often spray a lot when someone visits your home because they don’t like strangers at home.
3. Help Your Cat Feel Safe
Besides territorial and mating behavior, spraying can also signify that your cat is anxious and doesn’t feel happy at your home. You can play some fun activities with your cat or dog to create a calm and comfortable space that reduces their urge to spray.
Try to find their favorite activities and food items. Take them to the park with you and play some fun games when you have free time. The more your cat feels happy and comfortable with you, the more they avoid the behavior of unnecessary spraying.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is there a medical cause of the cat’s spraying?
Besides mating, there are some medical reasons which can cause spraying in cats. One of the reasons is cystitis which is an inflammation of the bladder. Due to some reason, your pet can develop bladder stones or infection, which is common in cats. If this condition remains untreated, then it can cause urinary blockage.
2. When do Female Cats Start Spraying?
Female cats are much less likely to spray, and they start spraying at the age of 7-8 months. There is nothing wrong or suspicious about female cat spraying. You can also use the same techniques to train your cat, remove stress by playing with them, and make them feel at home to avoid spraying.
3. How to Stop Your Male Cat from Spraying?
You can use certain tips to stop your male cat from spraying. First, don’t punish them when they spray. Train them and make them realize that spraying everywhere is not good. You can use synthetic pheromones around the marked area so your cat feels relaxed and calm. Ensure clean litter boxes in your home, so your cat won’t spray in your bedroom or guestroom.
Wrapping Up:
When do male cats start spraying? Male cats usually start spraying when they are about 5-6 months. The reason behind spraying is that your male cat is becoming an adult, but this spraying habit sometimes becomes irritating.
The best way to deal with this habit is to train your cat from a young age. Create a calm and relaxing environment so that your cat feels safe in his territory. Use a clean litter box to avoid spraying in your bedroom or kitchen.